Comparison Operators
Things to note:
a. Priority ! > && > ||
b. && Short circuits. If the first condition is not satisfied. The rest of the condition will not be evaluated.

Control Flow — Conditional Statement
things to note:
a. {} can be eliminated if the statement is a one-liner and not a declaration statement.
b. The Tneray Operator to simplify the code:
int income = 120_000;
String className = income > 100_000 ? "First" : "Economy"

c. Switch Statement:

Loop In Java
- For Loop
things to note: Break statement to break out entire loop operation while Continue Statement to break out current iteration and move on to the next element of the iterable.

2. While Loop

//if you have a condition to break the loop in side the statement, use pattern
3. do-while loop

4. for-each loop

A common CLI Validation Pattern:
declare a variable
get user input
if user input is valid:
do something..
output "input have to be valid" }